A backpacker’s most vital outdoor gear is the tent to shelter from the elements. Not only does the tent shelter you from the weather, but also protects the rest of your elements and allows you to have a more intimate connection with nature. In this post we are specifically focusing on the lightweight backpacking tent for the maximum enjoyment of backcountry trips. Just imagine owning the best tent that serves multi-purposes and won’t break your shoulders by bulging your backpack with unnecessary weight. Therefore in this post we will focus primarily on the lightweight tents for 2 and 3 persons. As with any travel gear, there are a few facts to consider before purchasing a tent. Lightweight being the major concern, we still have things to be aware of. Here’s what we should know;
How To Choose A Lightweight Backpacking Tent
Tent Space
Tents are mainly categorized by the number of people that it can host and it starts with one person and goes until 4 people. Needless to say that the weight increases with size. You must also keep in mind that the tent not only hosts you but the camping gear as well. Check in with the dimensions of your sleeping bag or bivy bag and if you buy a 2P tent(2 Person), think how comfortable you will be with the space of two sleeping bags plus the gear. There are a few well known spacious tents popular among hikers and backpackers. We will also introduce them despite their weights, but make no mistake that the heavier your tent, the harder your backpacking trip is going to be.
Material And Build Quality
This is a broad topic, but we will try to fixate on the bottom line. When it comes to tent fabrics, there are 3 major materials that are in play. And they account for “lightweight, strength and price”. These 3 materials are Nylon, Polyester and Dyneema/Cuben. Nylon is the most commonly found material in most outdoor gear mostly due to the better strength-to-weight ratio. The strength is mostly due to the stretchy nature that results in tension distribution over a large surface area. Also Nylon is the most abrasion resistant than the other two, but it is prone to damage by UV rays and absorbs water which results in weight increase.
Polyester, although is lower in tensile strength than Nylon, has undergone several upgrades making it increasingly popular in outdoor tents. Specifically in lightweight tarp and mid-style shelters. Stability is a bit better with polyester especially in rainy conditions and it resists UV rays better than Nylon. In short, Polyester is more popular for applications where low stretch is a priority.
Dyneema Composite Fabric, or DCF is a newer type of fabric found in tents. It is almost equally strong as Nylon but with little to no stretch. It has a high strength to weight ratio. Waterproofing and UV are both far greater with DCF than either Polyester or Nylon. However in terms of abrasion resistance it is far behind Nylon which makes it non-durable. You can read more about all the materials here.
It is needless to point out that higher the quality of the tent, the pricier it is going to be. Our main criteria of choosing the tent is lightweight. However we have to understand that there is no point in choosing a tent merely because it is lightweight. If it snaps off and flies away in rough weather or is easily subjected to abrasion, the money isn’t worth it at all.
Alright, Now that that’s out of the way, let’s take a look at some quality lightweight backpacking tents for solo hikers, 2 persons, 3 persons and 4 persons.
ALPS Mountaineering Lynx- Lightweight Backpacking Tent For 1 Person
- Polyester and Aluminum material
- 36 inches and 1.8 Kilograms
- Zipper closure
- 2’8 x 7’6 base size and 36″ center height
A famous choice among solo backpackers. The ALPS mountaineering Lynx tent has a free-standing 2-pole design. The clips can be quickly hooked over the Aluminum poles which makes the setup real simple and quick. Has one door for entry and ample storage space to host your backpacks and other travel gear. Half mesh walls ensure optimum ventilation. 75D 185T polyester is built for maximum UV ray resistance and rigidity. Factory sealed seams on the fly and floor including 2000mm coating to the floor for the best weather protection. Extras include a gear loft and mesh storage pocket to store your essentials as easily accessible as possible.
As for customer reviews, the positive feedback is endless from users all across the globe. Even for a user who weighs 200lbs and 6’3″ in height the tent proved to be extremely comfortable and roomy. Accommodating a large size thermarest self inflating pad, a quilt and blanket, the space was still plenty. There was a little bit of moisture on the floor when it snowed or rained but it’s a minor footprint size patch. The two vents at the top of this tent help reduce the condensation. Another hiker who has been using the tent for 2+ years states that it is a great fit for one person plus the gear and never once malfunctioned. If you need further conviction, there are campers who have used this tent for 8 plus times in different weather conditions. In dry, heated conditions and snowy, rainy weather the tent has kept him and his gear well protected and dry. Overall the ALPS Mountaineering Lynx is a great lightweight backpacking tent for solo travelers.
MIER Ultralight Tent 3- Best Ultralight Backpacking Tent
- Nylon material
- 2.8 lbs
- 110 Centimeters floor width
- 1P or 2P
- Packed size: 16.9*5.5 inch
This is our choice for the best budget ultralight backpacking tent. There are a few other choices but they do not qualify as budget tents. For example the ZPacks Duplex & Triplex are lighter than the MIER Tent 3, but the price is way expensive and stands out at almost $600. Which is why we picked out this tent. The fly is made out of 15D silicon coated nylon so that it is waterproof. seam-taped rainfly and bathtub floor for further water retention. 2 Doors with Vestibules with enough space to place your hiking and backpacking gear. However you need to have trekking poles to set the tent up. You can choose to set it up as a tarp-tent or eliminate the rain fly to enjoy a bug mesh star gazer, similar to a bivy bag experience. You also get 2 lamp hangers and 2 pockets inside.
The user reviews are positive as it gets. Almost everyone who has used this tent several times in different weather conditions points out that it was able to withstand extreme winds and sudden showers. All of it while keeping you dry and warm. Also the vestibules are extremely spacious. Some users said it would have been better to have come with a footprint as the floor seemed prone to wear and tear. The rain buckles are a bit flimsy, although they hold up well. Nevertheless for most users the tent held the ground strong in all weathers with the taut guy lines, condensation was almost non-existent and ample ventilation. If you are looking for the lightest possible with a reasonable budget, then this is the tent for you.
Big Agnes Tiger Wall Ultra Light Tent: Functionality and Lightweight
- Solution-dyed fabric material with DAC poles
- 19 x 5.5 inches and 2.1 lbs
- All seams taped with waterproof, solvent-free polyurethane tape
- Good ventilation
- Available in 1P, 2P and 3P
For those of you who prioritize functionality and lightweight, this is for you. Big Agnes Tiger UL3 is a great functional lightweight backpacking tent for hikers and campers. Featuring two doors and two vestibules, the construction is strictly from a strength plus comfort oriented standpoint. The zippers are durable and so are the storm flaps. The single-pole architecture makes set up and take down simple and efficient. There is more leg and head room in this tent making it well spacious. TipLok Tent Buckle serves a multi-purpose. It secures pole-tip capture, rainfly attachment and tensioner, and stake-out loop.
The storage for your gear is well handled with the Big Agnes as the name suggests. It isn’t just limited to the foot area, but extends to the ceiling and door pockets at the head. However, although it is called Big Agnes, the UL2 is great for 2 hikers but the UL3 is a bit tighter for 3 people. There is little to no condensation because of the great ventilation. The footprint is sold separately though. And some users are complaining about the quality of the dagger stakes that attache the tent to the ground.
Gossamer Gear DCF TWO- 2 Person Lightweight Tent With Premium Features
- PU Nylon ripstop and DCF
- Area : 26 ft² and Vestibule: 10 ft²
- 1.3 lbs
- Dual doors and Vestibules
- Factory-taped seams

The Gossamer Gear DCT Two is for backpackers who are looking for the lightest possible option but not compromises made for ventilation, features and weather resistance. In fact you can call this one of the best ultralight backpacking 2 person tent. Setting up is easy with the trekking poles and air circulation is on point with the mesh that allows fresh air to seep in. The head room and the shoulder is more than spacious plus 2 sidewall tie out points for maximum interior room. Has interior cloth lines, a flashlight loop and 2 large mesh internal pockets for personal items.
The dual trekking pole is very much weather resistive and stands strong even in the toughest conditions. You might need a ground sheet under the tent floor to prevent water seeping in. The zippers are a bit delicate and therefore it is best to handle them smoothly. Nevertheless the positive feedback speaks for its reputation. One user used this tent in Rocky Mountain National Park during the winter and yet the tent held taut in strong gusts of wind. Most of the users are loving this because of the design and the additional features all of which only totals up to a surprising1.3 lbs. Winter camping tents are a separate topic though.
Zpacks Triplex: Premium Lightweight 3P Backpacking Tent
- DCF Material
- 1.4 lbs
- Area of 37.5 ft²
- Mesh pockets
- Durable floor material

First of all the Zpacks Triplex is not affordable as it disqualifies it in the budget category. But for the extremely lightweight and the ease of packing it offers plus the build quality and features I’m sure the price is justified. Sets up with two trekking poles and 8 stakes are required to pin it to the ground. Four storm doors to open and close as you wish. Overlapping doors are closed with custom made metal hooks. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the Zpacks Triplex is the sewn-in 8 inch (20 cm) tall bathtub floor, which is also reasonably durable.
The mesh pockets are easily accessible from the outside or inside of the tent due to the convenient location near each screen door. The Zpacks Triplex is perfect for a weekend getaway for a family of 3 with all the travel gear plus sleeping bags. So if you are looking for a 3 person backpacking tent with plenty of features and functionality plus lightweight regardless of the budget, then this could be the ideal one for you.
Kelty Late Start 4 Person- 4P Tent
- Nylon material
- 6 lbs 4 oz , Size : 85” x 54” x 45”
- 68 denier fabric for the floor
- Aluminum poles
Our final tent in the list. The Kelty Late Start 4P is a quick setup tent with the pre-bent poles even in the dark or rough weather. Pockets at each corner of the tent keep one end of the pole secure as you move around to deal with the other end. The tent has a single door and the walls don’t have a mesh. All seams are sealed to keep the water out. Excellent head room and feet space. The Vestibule with 9. 14 square feet of storage space has ample area to host the gear of all 4 occupants. There is an internal ceiling pocket. The 68 denier rainfly protects the tent well from rains and snow.
The users are extremely satisfied with their camping experience using this tent mostly because it is so easy to set up. Which also means this is a great introductory tent for beginners. The quality of the stakes and the poles are excellent for holding the tent in rough winds. However some users stated that this tent was a bit too heavy and bulky for ultralight backpacking. Also some have requested for a vent in the rainfly as it can help reduce the condensation. Nonetheless the overall feedback speaks well of all the sizes of the Kelty Late tent, so you can be rest assured that your money won’t be wasted.
So those are our best suggestions for lightweight backpacking tents. We chose these particular tents with the primary concern of lightweight and functionality with a touch of minimalism(not all!). Keep in mind that these tents given their weight are not suitable for the highest altitude that constantly encounters strong gusts of wind. Those types are much heavier and stronger and can even withstand sudden snow loads. Also some experts recommend skipping the manufacturer’s footprint and using a 2 to 3.5 oz Polycro Footprint. These are much stronger and increase the longevity of the tent.
Plus it weighs less and is cheaper than the manufacturer’s footprint. Needless to say, you should also select a good campsite to save you from all the bugs and insects. Preferably a higher and drier location which hopefully is also a bit windy. You should even consider pitching the tent in a tree covered area to keep you warmer and drier plus a little bit of wind protection. That’s about it for this lightweight backpacking tent guide! We hope it was educational and informative and helped you sort out your ideal lightweight tent. You can also check our reviews for 8 person tents here.