Not always can we choose the appropriate hiking pants that will fit our waist to the dot. More often than not, we all need a belt irrespective of the type of pants we wear. Imagine having your hiking pants fall down while you are backpacking and hiking. It would not seem much of an issue other than a mere embarrassment, but a pant that falls down while climbing, trekking or canyoneering can lead you to a dangerous situation. Therefore in this guide, we will introduce and review some of the best hiking belts which we think will suit a variety of outdoor enthusiasts. Meaning, some would want attachments in the belt while some may prefer just a regular belt to hold their pants in place. Either way, keep reading to find out the best hiking belt that matches your needs. Remember, this isn’t just about a buckle and a strap but more about maintaining mobility, comfort along with style while outdoors.
Buying Guide For A Hiking Belt
So here’s what you need to look for in a hiking belt. In summary, just like most outdoor gear and wear, they need to be lightweight. Imagine wearing a heavy tactical belt while mountaineering or on a lengthy hike. On the other hand, you can’t have a lightweight belt that snaps when it is first knocked. Next is material which is usually tied with durability. We all know that Nylon is the most commonly used material in most outdoor gear followed closely by Polyester. It is no different here.
With its level of abrasion resistance, you can be sure of a good life span. Make sure you are selecting the correct belt that matches your waist size. There are also several types of belt buckles. Quick release, friction, flip closure are some of them. Wearability and utility of the belt largely depends on the buckle. For example, the quick release style is vastly used in tactical belts. So keep an eye out for the type of the buckle and material . Finally, if you carry a lot of tools around, you may want to consider a belt with attachment such as a holster.
Arc’teryx Unisex Conveyor Belt
- Heavy-duty webbing belt
- Belt lengths SM: 43 inches/109 cm MD: 45.5 inches/116 cm LG: 49.5 inches/126 cm
- Weighs 4.73 Ounces
- Self-locking metal buckle
- Nylon material
We’ve spoken about Arc’teryx products before. Recommended by many outdoor professionals, the Arc’teryx unisex belt is a well manufactured outdoor ready hiking belt. With the Arc’teryx bird logo on buckle and an average weight of close to 5 lbs, this is a popular hiking belt among hikers and backpackers alike. According to the reviews of the long term users, the stiffness and the buckle are the outstanding features of this one. Since the belt is very much rigid, it is the perfect place for attaching relatively heavy items. It could be a pistol, binoculars or even a phone cover. But the belt’s stiffness is such that it will stay put no matter the accessory.
Another thing is that this belt is comparatively tall. This structure disables the items hung on the belt to bounce off your hip due to the convenient belt dimensions. Another special feature is the tail end of the belt. The material is a form of dense rubber folded over itself and bolted to the end of the belt. This further enhances the durability. However, some complain that it is a bit of a hazel maintaining this tail end without an additional loop. Otherwise, the Arc’teryx Unisex Conveyor Belt is a great piece of travel wear that offers the perfect price to performance value.
Arcade Men’s Adventure Ranger Belts
- Heavy duty elastic webbing
- 4 cm width with waist size up to 40 inches, Lightweight build
- Nylon material
- Non-metal and micro-adjustable buckle
- Extremely versatile
The Arcade Ranger belt is an all in one versatile piece of wear that you can use for almost any outdoor activity. Be it hiking, biking, skateboarding, climbing, kayaking or snowboarding, this will keep your pants in place during all those. The non-metal buckle will allow you to walk through airport security without having to take it off. Michael Cook who is a handyman advises that the elastic isn’t quite strong enough to accommodate accessories and he had to keep pulling up his pants.
However, he mentioned that the low-profile, the adjustability and the no snagging nature still makes it a great belt. In general, the users are loving the non-metal buckle and the low profile of the belt. The belt is particularly great for lengthy backpacking trips given its super lightweight and adjustability, not to mention the casual outdoorsy look it has with a variety of choices it has for colors. An important thing that we have to mention is that while most of us are prone to believe that the plastic belt buckle could be a deal breaker, not a single complaint was made in that concern. Meaning you can still consider using this belt in rugged environments.

JUKMO Tactical Belt
- Polyamide material with heavy-duty Aluminium buckle
- 3.8cm width and length ranges from XS to XXL
- Suitable for any outdoor activity
- Variety of colors to choose from
The perfect tactical hiking belt does exist and it is none other than the Jukmo! A great utility hiking belt with military type buckles that may not suit everyone’s choice of fashion. Nonetheless, the buckle is more convenient to adjust the length to perfect fit. Plus it has a quick and safe opening and closing mechanism. The stretchy strap material made with Nylon is also quite rigid. However, you can be rest assured of comfort around your waist while you are hiking. The belt buckle adjustment might be a bit unfamiliar first, but you will soon get used to it.
The users are simply loving it. Especially the slight stretchy yet sturdy nature of the belt and the fact that it does not cause any discomfort at all. Eric, who uses this belt in his hiking pants claims that the belt supports his knife and the pistol in his Fobus Holster. Similarly, there are few others who are praising the heavy-duty nature of the belt even claiming it to be bombproof. Also, no one complains about the buckle. Instead, they are much satisfied with the awesome click sound when it is in place.
GRIP6 Canvas Belts
- Ultralight, weighs only 12 grams
- For both Men and Women
- Nylon and Aluminium material
- Adjustable with a mix of rigidity
- Extremely versatile
The lightest hiking belt of this list for both Men and Women. Simplistic design with no complicated buckle or holes. The major downside for this one though, is the price tag. For a minimalist lightweight belt, it should have been a bit more cheaper. Be that as it may, not a single customer complaint was to be found about wearing and tearing of the belt. The weave of the Nylon belt seems to have done the trick and some have been using this belt for more than a couple of years on a daily basis without so much as a scratch. Not to mention that according to most users, you don’t even feel the belt. No sizing issues if you simply stick to their instructions to find the recommended length. As we already mentioned, the only downside is the huge price tag.
JASGOOD Nylon Tactical Belt
- The best budget hiking belt
- Plastic buckle
- 1000D Nylon material
- Easily adjustable and versatile
- Comes with a variety of patterns
With JASGOOD, you get two high quality military belts in different styles with two free plastic buckles, all in one purchase. Just like the Arcade, this too has a plastic buckle allowing you to walk hazel free in airports. Perfect for common use but can be utilized for any outdoor activity. They offer the belt in three sizes and the two-belt package cost less than $30, hence qualifying as a great choice for budgeteers. The users are specifically making use of the blending in feature of the JASGOOD belt. Thanks to the variety of designs, this belt goes along with any outfit. Customers also advise that the belt buckle is extremely durable and can take a hit.
Fjällräven Canvas Belt
- Made of robust Canvas that makes it an elastic belt
- It has a 120 cm length and a 3cm width for an optimal security
- 100% Polyester
- Fastening: Hook and Loop
- Canvas
- It is crafted with a Military buckle design that can be adjusted as needed
- The logo is noticeable for an authentic style
- Material Type: Acrylic
A mandatory mention for the list to be fulfilled. Although the name is hard to pronounce, the Fjallraven is one of the most sought out and praised hiking belts of all time. Here’s why the users are loving it. Number one being the easily adjustable nature. It keeps in shape when cut and it is way easier. The buckle is thin so it doesn’t stick out too far or cause a lump under your shirt and yet it does the job. It’s a clamp buckle style and the logo is not that noticeable. Simply put, you will not go wrong with this belt.