This is an ultra adventure savvy post for the seasoned, hardcore hikers, climbers out there. The Mount Kilimanjaro hike is a dream come true for most hikers who desire a true challenge, and it is a significant one too. Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the seven summits and the tallest in the African continent with a height of 19,340’/5895m. Now this mountain works as the best for both worlds. Meaning, if you are a total newbie with little to no experience in climbing unlike trekking in Nepal where most of the circuits can only be handled by experts, or an experienced hiker wanting to unlock new levels of challenges. There are several ways to conquer the mountain and the Umbwe route is the epitome of complexity of all those routes. Before proceeding to the Mount Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route, let’s get to know a few fun facts centered around the uniqueness of this mountain.

Facts About Mount Kilimanjaro

  • It is the fourth highest mountain in the world ranking next to Denali and the highest in Africa
  • The mountain is a result of volcanic activity, hence the only tallest free standing mountain in the world
  • The mountain lies just 205 miles from the equator
  • The people who first conquered the mountain were  Hans Meyer, Ludwig Purtscheller and Yohani Kinyala Lauwo in 1889. That was also achieved in the 3rd attempt.
  • The athletes have shone in the history of conquering Mount Kilimanjaro faster. A Swiss athlete Karl Egloff finished the ascent in just 6 hours and 42 minutes in 2014.
  • The true meaning of Kilimanjaro is yet unknown although natives decipher it in several ways. Kilimanjaro is the Swahili name of that mountain.
  • The climatic change is a 5 phase from the bottom to the top. You start off in a tropical climate and end up in an arctic zone where you will find no flora or fauna.

So for those who were unaware of Mount Kilimanjaro, I hope the brief overview was helpful. Now let’s conquer virtually. Together there are 6 routes to reach the top. Marangu route being the easiest and Umbwe route being one of the shortest routes to the Southern Glaciers and the toughest route on Mount Kilimanjaro. How so though?

Mount Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route

There are several reasons to justify this as the hardest route to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. The isolation associated with this route itself is enough for one to back down and resort to the frequently used routes. We mentioned earlier that there are five climate zones and each gets colder as you ascend. With the other trails, this is a gradual acclimatization since the climb is even and lengthy. But the Umbwe route is one of the shortest to the top, which makes adaptation to climate change challenging. Naturally, the slope is steeper since the climb is shorter. It is because of this nature of rough, steep and direct path that only the veteran climber can attempt to tackle the path.

The route begins from the south of Mount Kilimanjaro and the initial climb is more vertical unlike the other routes. There are certain areas along the jungle where you have to use the roots as an aid to climb. Needless to say, you have to be physically strong and certainly strong willed. Because some parts of the climb are not for the faint hearted. We will talk more about preparation afterwards. First, let’s break down the journey from the bottom to the summit. On with the virtual tour!

Overview of Sections of Umbwe Route

And so the five day ascent begins along with the descent on the sixth day. Note that all hikes or treks on Mount Kilimanjaro can only be completed with a licensed guide.

Umbwe Gate to Umbwe Camp

The distance that you have to cover on the first day is 11 Km, requiring a total duration of 5 hours. You have to obtain the necessary permits at Machame gate and then there is a 45 minute drive to Umbwe gate. The altitude at Umbwe gate is roughly 1,600m/ 5,249ft and during this day you conquer Montane forest and end up in the Umbwe camp where the altitude is 2,940m/ 9,514ft.

Umbwe Camp to Barranco Camp

Day two is where the real test of mental and physical strength begins. You are also in for some phenomenal views along the way. After passing the forest, you will enter a tree canopy and it is then that the top of Africa will be staring at you. Soon, you are going to be above the clouds and experiencing the temperature drop. It might be a bit difficult up the Barranco camp because of the mist invading the visibility. However, once it clears, you can enjoy a view so gorgeous that you’ll be thankful for selecting the path less taken.

Mount Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route

Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

The day starts with a climb to the top of the Great Barranco Wall which is about a 300m rock scramble. The valley below opens up with long views as you ascend to the wall. After reaching the top, take a short break and descend into the Karanga Valley below. The time duration for this part is roughly 4 hours with a 7 km distance.

Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

A three hour climb for 6 km reaching an elevation of 4600m. You will meet the junction connecting with the Mweka descent Trail. After getting to the camp, you can enjoy spectacular views of both the valley below and the summit above. You can get a quite good view of Mawenzi and Kibo peaks from here.

Mount Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route Summit

Barafu Camp to Summit

Note that your guide will start the ascend at midnight so that you can reach Stella Point allowing you to enjoy a breathtaking sunrise. You will start the trek between Rebman and Ratzel glaciers to reach Stella point which is 5732m above sea level. Now you begin your final climb to reach Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa with an elevation of 5895m. Immerse in the feeling of conquering Mount Kilimanjaro through the hardest Umbwe route. Be aware that the weather is awfully cold here to the point where your water bottles can freeze.

Mount Kilimanjaro

The Descend

You will have to begin the journey downwards pretty soon as the cold up there cannot be withstood for long. You will reach Mweka Hut camp site, via Barafu. Some trekkers kept going and reached Mweka Park gate by nightfall. Some choose to spend the night at Mweka Camp and then continue the descent in the morning. Since the lower elevations are more muddy, trekking poles would help in the downwards journey.

How to Be Prepared for Umbwe Route of Mount Kilimanjaro

Like we mentioned in the beginning, you must be well prepared both physically and mentally. The frequent advice to all hikers in common irrespective of age, experience is to prepare slowly and steadily with ample rest. It mostly depends on how you handle the acclimatization. Having strong, seasoned legs and a strong cardiovascular system helps of course in addition to getting used to your hiking boots that you will use for the Kilimanjaro hike. The Umbwe Route success rate is between 60-70%. So you stand a chance given adequate preparation.

Packing List

The last thing you want is an over packed backpack. Stick to the above list and only carry the essentials. Here are the best daypacks that we recommend to conquer Kilimanjaro. The best time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro is between January–March and June–October. Avoid April and May as they are the rainy seasons. Total trekking distance of Umbwe Route is 53km. The costs begin at roughly $1000 depending on the company you pick.

We hope this guide was helpful and aids you in your plans to conquer Kilimanjaro using its toughest route. Please do share your thoughts for the benefit of others if you’ve already had the experience.

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